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发布日期:2021-04-29 作者: 来源: 点击数:


基本信息:周满,男,1988年出生,江苏淮安人,博士,特聘研究员,硕/博士生导师。2017年毕业于东南大学&京都大学(Joint PhD Programme),获结构工程博士学位。201604月至今,受聘于日本京都大学土木与地球资源工程学院担任客座研究员(Guest Professor)。201704-2018.01月,受聘于埃及Tanta University工程学院高级研究员。201801月至202012月受聘于中南大学土木工程学院从事教学与科研工作。202101-至今,担任bat365中文官方网站特聘研究员职位。任美国土木工程师协会ASCE Member、美国混凝土协会ACI Member、日本土木工程师协会JSCE Member、日本波形钢腹板合成构造研究协会Corrugated Steel-Web Bridge Association等国际学术组织会员,为国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家及湖南省科技专家库专家。主持国家自然科学基金项目、省自然科学基金项目、中国中铁科技创新项目及高层次人才引进项目等科研课题5项。近五年(20162021)在土木工程国际顶级SCI期刊ASCE Journal of Structural EngineeringASCE Journal of Bridge EngineeringASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and ManagementACI Structural JournalEngineering StructuresThin-walled Structures等发表期刊论文40余篇。

联系方式:Emailcivilzm1988@163.com    Mobile152-5186-7705



【主讲课程】:钢结构设计原理 、《组合结构设计原理》


1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目考虑Resal效应影响的变截面波形钢腹板PC组合梁桥的力学性能研究51808559


2. 主持湖南省自然科学基金青年科学基金项目变截面波形钢腹板PC组合梁桥的受剪性能研究2019JJ50770


3. 参与国家自然基金面上项目变截面波形钢腹板组合梁的剪切变形及剪切屈曲研究51478107)(导师:张建东教授, 国家海外引进项目特聘专家


4. 参与日本基盤研究(A干湿交替环境下氯离子在开裂混凝土结构中的传输路径及机理研究日本学术振兴会JSPS科研费15H02261)(合作研究者:京都大学白土博通教授、安琳副教授)


5. 参与国家自然基金面上项目一体化仿生蜂窝复合材料的力学特性研究51173026)(合作研究者:东京大学JSPS研究员陈锦祥教授)


6. 主持江苏高校优势学科建设工程基金项目大跨径变截面PC波形钢腹板组合箱梁受剪性能及屈曲破坏机理研究CE02-1-12


7. 主持中国中铁南昌洪都大道宽幅箱梁多机同步拼装施工关键技术研究


8. 主持芜湖长江公路二桥接线节段预制顶板加劲式PC宽体箱梁的横向受力分析


9. 参与宁波市奉化江大桥波形钢腹板自承式异步施工Rap-con/RW


10. 参与节段预制组合梁桥关键构造及结构特性研究


11. 主持音乐路面的发声机理及其应用研究



[1]      Man Zhou, S Li*. Shear performance of tapered beams with concrete flanges and corrugated steel webs: theory, experiments and numerical simulations. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. 2021 (Accepted, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0003013).

[2]      Man Zhou*, L An. Full-range shear behavior of a nonprismatic beam with steel trapezoidal corrugated webs: experimental tests and FE modeling. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. 2020, 146(8): 04020162.

[3]      Man Zhou*, JD Zhang, JT Zhong, Y Zhao. Shear stress calculation and distribution in variable cross section of box girder with corrugated steel webs. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. 2016, 142(6): 04016022.

[4]      Man Zhou*, JC Liao, L An. Effect of multiple environmental factors on the adhesion and diffusion behaviours of chlorides in a bridge with coastal exposure: A long-term experimental study. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering. 2020. 25(10): 04020081.

[5]      Man Zhou*, JC Liao, L An. Shear properties of tapered box girders with steel trapezoidally corrugated webs considering Resal effect. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering. 2019, 25(1), 04019126.

[6]      Man Zhou*, Z Liu, JD Zhang, H Shirato. Stress analysis of linear elastic nonprismatic concrete-encased beams with corrugated steel webs. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering. 2017, 22(6), 04017012.

[7]      Man Zhou*, JD Zhang, DY Yang, MF Hassanein, L An. Transverse analysis of a prestressed concrete wide box girder with stiffened ribs. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering. 2017, 22(8), 04017046.

[8]      Man Zhou*, YY Liu, KJ Wang, MF Hassanein. New asynchronous pouring rapid construction method for long span PC box girder bridges with corrugated steel webs. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2019. 146(2), 05019021.

[9]      Man Zhou*, HY Fu, XL Su, L An. Shear performance analysis of a tapered beam with trapezoidally corrugated steel webs considering the Resal effect. Engineering Structures. 2019. 196: 109295.

[10]   Man Zhou, YY Liu, WQ Deng*, MF Hassanein, H Zhang. Transverse analysis of full-scale precast segmental box girder segments with corrugated steel webs: experimental tests and FE modelling. Engineering Structures. 2019, 187: 231-241.

[11]   Man Zhou*, Z Liu, JD Zhang, L An, ZQ He. Equivalent computational models and deflection calculation methods of box girders with corrugated steel webs. Engineering Structures. 2016, 127: 615-634.

[12]   Man Zhou, XN Shang, MF Hassanein, LY Zhou*. The differences in the mechanical performance of prismatic and non-prismatic beams with corrugated steel webs: A comparative research. Thin-Walled Structures. 2019, 141: 402-410.

[13]   Man Zhou*, DY Yang, JD Zhang, L An. Stress analysis of linear elastic non-prismatic beams with corrugated steel webs. Thin-Walled Structures. 2017, 119: 653-661.

[14]   Man Zhou*, Z Liu, JD Zhang, L An. Deformation analysis of a non-prismatic beam with corrugated steel webs in the elastic stage. Thin-Walled Structures. 2016, 109: 260-270.

[15]   Man Zhou, JT Zhong*, L Wang, HT Chen. Application of the evaluation system for the strut-and-tie models of reinforced concrete structures. ACI Structural Journal. 2021. 118(1):17-30.

[16]   Man Zhou, YY Chen, XL Su*, L An. Mechanical performance of a beam with corrugated steel webs inspired by the forewing of Allomyrina dichotoma. Structures. 2021. 29: 741-750.

[17]   Man Zhou, JC Liao, JT Zhong, L An, HB Wang*. Unified calculation formula for predicting the shear stresses in prismatic and non-prismatic beams with corrugated steel webs. Structures. 2021. 29:507-518.

[18]   Man Zhou, J Xie, JX Chen*, WY Tuo. The influence of processing holes on the flexural properties of biomimetic integrated honeycomb plates. Materials & Design. 2015, 65, 404-410.

[19]   Man Zhou*, DQ Huang, XL Su, JT Zhong, MF Hassanein, L An. Analysis of microstructure characteristics and mechanical properties of beetle forewings, Allomyrina dichotoma. Materials Science & Engineering C. 2020, 107, 110317.

[20]   Man Zhou*, JC Liao, L An, W Deng, MF Hassanein, ZW Yu. Analysis of stress-induced cracks in concrete and mortar under cyclic uniaxial compression. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 187, 652-664.

[21]   Man Zhou*, Z Shao, MF Hassanein. Bending behaviour of reinforced concrete/ engineered cementitious composite beams. Magazine of Concrete Research. 2021. (Published online, https://doi.org/10.1680/jmacr.19.00380).

[22]   Man Zhou*, HY Fu, L An. Distribution and properties of shear stress in elastic beams with variable cross section: theoretical analysis and FE modelling. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 2020.24 (4):1240-1254.

[23]   Man Zhou*, XL Su, JS Lei, SJ Fang. Foundation reinforcement and deviation rectifying of the leaning pagoda of Dinglin Temple. ICE-Geotechnical Engineering. 2020,173(6):473-484.

[24]   Man Zhou, HY Zhuang*, SJ Fang. Innovations at Beijing Daxing International: the world’s biggest airport terminal. ICE-Civil Engineering. 2020. 173(3):113-118.

[25]   Man Zhou, XL Su*, L An. Rapid construction of and advanced technologies used in China's Huoshenshan hospital for combating COVID-19. ICE-Civil Engineering. 2021, 174(1): 29-34.

[26]   Man Zhou*, HY Zhuang, L An. Xuhong bridge: a long span wooden arch bridge with glued laminated timber. Structural Engineering International. 2021, 31(1):60-64.

[27]   Man Zhou*, DQ Huang, YQ Hu, LY Zhou, L An. Musical roads: design, construction and potential economic and safety benefits. ICE-Transport. 2021. (Published online, https://doi.org/10.1680/jtran.18.00136).

[28]   Man Zhou*, JD Zhang, L An, T Li. Spanning over 1400 years: China’s remarkable Zhaozhou Bridge. ICE-Civil Engineering. Thomas Telford Ltd, 2017 :113-119.

[29]   Man Zhou*, DY Yang, JD Zhang, MF Hassanein. Failure analysis of high strength bolts in steel truss bridges. ICE-Civil Engineering. 2017, 170(4), 175-179.

[30]   Man Zhou, XL Sua, JT Zhong,*, MF Hassanein. New technologies and challenges in the construction of an immersed tube tunnel in deep sea of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao bridge. Structural Engineering International. 2021 (Accepted).

[31]   WQ Deng, JD Zhang, Man Zhou*, MF Hassanein, D Liu, HH Zheng. Flexural behavior of segmental prestressed composite beams with corrugated steel webs. Magazine of Concrete Research. 2020, 72(11), 578-594.

[32]   KJ Wang, Man Zhou*, MF Hassansin, JT Zhong, HS Ding, L An. Study on elastic global shear buckling of curved girders with corrugated steel webs: Theoretical analysis and FE modelling. Applied Sciences-Basel. 2018, 8(12), 2457.

[33]   KJ Wang, Man Zhou*, MF Hassanein. Shear buckling and design strength study of curved girders with corrugated steel webs. ICE-Structures and Buildings, 2019, 172(9): 649-660.

[34]   WQ Deng, Man Zhou*, JD Zhang, L An. Growth of prestressed concrete bridges with corrugated steel webs in China. ICE-Civil Engineering. 2018, 171(2), 77-84.

[35]   XL SU, Man Zhou*, YY Chen. Infection prevention and control measures against COVID-19 undertaken in China. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 2021. (Accepted).




Email: civilzm1988@163.com  Mobile152-5186-7705
